I Am (the start of an awesome Meme!)

Thanks to Robin over at The Forgotten Wife blog for posting this “I Am” piece. I see “meme” written all over it, and I think it will spread like wildfire. It makes you take a really hard look at yourself and how you see your inner you, and it shows what others potentially see as your outer self.

On this Mother’s Day, I think it was the most perfect post to write (more like copy, paste and edit to make more use for my own self lol) and use as a tool of reflection. Feel free to do the same and see how special you are. To yourself and to others in your life.

And Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there!..

I am depressive.  It does not define me, but I do not ignore it.

I am a survivor. Of the loss of my mother at a tender age of childhood. And of medical situations that should have killed me at birth.

I am an only child.  But I always wanted a sibling and didn’t always get my way or what I wanted.

I am a GED Diploma Graduate. And I’m proud of myself to have finished High School, even if not under the circumstances I had hoped for.

I am a mother.  I have three beautiful children, two girls with a boy squished in the middle.  Even when they’re being bad, they’re great…. well, maybe not in that instant.

I am the proud mother of a special needs child. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I am a Stay-At-Home Mom, but I work.  I have a 24-hour-a-day job that gives no vacation or sick time. And I’m okay with that.

I am an avid reader.  I love to read.

I am an avid movie watcher.  Especially Nicolas Cage movies, Marvel Comics-based movies and a fan of comedy.

I am 5’0″.

I am a horrible cook. But thus far, no one has died or gone to the E.R. to have their stomach pumped. And even the house is still erect and in tact.

I am a lover of Chinese food.

I am a horrible housekeeper, cause I hate housework.

I am a former smoker. Almost 4 years now.

I am a lover of wine, but only in moderation.

I am the person you send your plants to if you want them to die.

I am a lover of animals.  All animals, even scaly ones.  However, this love does not include any kind of arachnid or roach.

I am generous, most of the time.  Or, I try to be. And other times, I am TOO generous and it comes back to bite me.

I am a talker.  I’m working on my listening skills.

I am a toucher.  When we talk, I’ll touch you on your arm or hand numerous times.

I am polite.  Everyone I meet is “sir” or “ma’am.”  These will never steer you wrong.

I am a disciplinarian of my children, and yours if you refuse to do so.

I am the person that knows that family is not defined by blood and I have many family members around the world.

I am someone that loves thunderstorms.  Nature’s fury makes me smile.

I am very empathetic to almost anyone’s situation… as long as it’s not caused by their own stupidity.

I am a person that gives her heart fully when she decides to give it.

I am a football fan and can’t wait for the football season to start!

I am more comfortable hanging out with guys than girls.

I am a master at putting my foot in my mouth.  What can I say?  I like the taste!

I am the person you see singing and dancing in the passenger’s seat of her car.

I am someone who talks to herself.

I am a proud person who understands the value of humility.

I am the person that says “yes” when you ask for help, even when she should say “no.”

I am fascinated by organized religion, but don’t claim any affiliation with one.

I am an absolutely, positively lapsed Catholic. And I’m down with that.

I am a one-time divorcee.

I am the bearer of scars from past relationships, but still give love freely.

I am the person that will find a silver lining in any situation, no matter how thin that lining is.

I am the person that has learned from past mistakes.

I am stronger than I thought I ever could be.

I am married for a second time and loving it!

I am all of these things and more.

I am who I am and I’m alright with that.